Friday 8 August 2008

Britney hopes to gain joint custody of her kids

London (ANI): Beleaguered bug out diva Britney Spears hopes to gain joint detainment of her two boys Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1 by the last of this year. Sources have revealed that Britney is trying to reform herself for the purpose.

"Britney is doing her utmost to stay out of the limelight and lay low, and just focus on her work," the Mirror quoted a source as saying. The source even revealed that Britney is so determined to be taken seriously by the courts that she wants regular do drugs and intoxicant tests. "She thinks by ditching her elaborate garden pink wigs, and bad boyfriends it volition help her case," the source added.

Kevin Federline, her alienated husband, is also aforesaid to be ready to help her in whatever way he can. "She has a chance. Kevin could ending up co-parenting the kids together with Britney," aforementioned a representative of K-Fed.

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